
JSON Schema is limited for describing how a given data type should be rendered as a form input component. That's why this library introduces the concept of uiSchema.

A UI schema is basically an object literal providing information on how the form should be rendered, while the JSON schema tells what.

The uiSchema object follows the tree structure of the form field hierarchy, and defines how each property should be rendered.

Note that every property within uiSchema can be rendered in one of two ways: {"ui:options": {[property]: [value]}}, or {"ui:[property]": value}.

In other words, the following uiSchemas are equivalent:

  "ui:title": "Title",
  "ui:description": "Description",
  "ui:submitButtonOptions": {
    "props": {
      "disabled": false,
      "className": "btn btn-info",
      "norender": false,
      "submitText": "Submit"
  "ui:options": {
    "title": "Title",
    "description": "Description",
    "submitButtonOptions": {
      "props": {
        "disabled": false,
        "className": "btn btn-info",
      "norender": false,
      "submitText": "Submit"


The uiSchema object accepts a classNames property for each field of the schema:

const uiSchema = {
  title: {
    classNames: "task-title foo-bar"

Will result in:

<div class="field field-string task-title foo-bar" >
    <input value="My task" required="" type="text">


If you want to automatically focus on a text input or textarea input, set the ui:autofocus uiSchema directive to true.

const schema = {type: "string"};
const uiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": "textarea",
  "ui:autofocus": true


Sometimes it's convenient to change the description of a field. This is the purpose of the ui:description uiSchema directive:

const schema = {type: "string"};
const uiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": "password",
  "ui:description": "The best password"


The ui:disabled uiSchema directive will disable all child widgets from a given field.

Note: If you're wondering about the difference between a disabled field and a readonly one: Marking a field as read-only will render it greyed out, but its text value will be selectable. Disabling it will prevent its value to be selected at all.


To disable an option, use the enumDisabled property in uiSchema.

const schema = {
  type: "string",
  enum: ["one", "two", "three"],

const uiSchema={
  "ui:enumDisabled": ['two'],


Sometimes it's convenient to add text next to a field to guide the end user filling it. This is the purpose of the ui:help uiSchema directive:

const schema = {type: "string"};
const uiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": "password",
  "ui:help": "Hint: Make it strong!"

Help texts work for any kind of field at any level, and will always be rendered immediately below the field component widget(s) (after contextualized errors, if any).


The ui:hideError uiSchema directive will, if set to true, hide the default error display for the given field AND all of its child fields in the hierarchy.

If you need to enable the default error display of a child in the hierarchy after setting hideError: true on the parent field, simply set hideError: false on the child.

This is useful when you have a custom field or widget that utilizes either the rawErrors or the errorSchema to manipulate and/or show the error(s) for the field/widget itself.


To change the input type (for example, tel or email) you can specify the inputType in the ui:options uiSchema directive.

const schema = {type: "string"};
const uiSchema = {
  "ui:options": {
    inputType: 'tel'


Field labels are rendered by default. Labels may be omitted by setting the label option to false in the ui:options uiSchema directive.

const schema = {type: "string"};
const uiSchema = {
  "ui:options": {
    label: false

  <Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} />
), document.getElementById("app"));


This property allows you to reorder the properties that are shown for a particular object. See Objects for more information.


You can add placeholder text to an input by using the ui:placeholder uiSchema directive:

const schema = {type: "string", format: "uri"};
const uiSchema = {
  "ui:placeholder": "http://"

  <Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

Fields using enum can also use ui:placeholder. The value will be used as the text for the empty option in the select widget.

const schema = {type: "string", enum: ["First", "Second"]};
const uiSchema = {
  "ui:placeholder": "Choose an option"

  <Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} />
), document.getElementById("app"));


The ui:readonly uiSchema directive will mark all child widgets from a given field as read-only. This is equivalent to setting the readOnly property in the schema.

Note: If you're wondering about the difference between a disabled field and a readonly one: Marking a field as read-only will render it greyed out, but its text value will be selectable. Disabling it will prevent its value to be selected at all.


By default, this library will generate ids unique to the form for all rendered widgets. If you plan on using multiple instances of the Form component in a same page, it's wise to declare a root prefix for these, using the ui:rootFieldId uiSchema directive:

const uiSchema = {
  "ui:rootFieldId": "myform"

This will make all widgets have an id prefixed with myform.


You can set the initial height of a textarea widget by specifying rows option.

const schema = {type: "string"};
const uiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": "textarea",
  "ui:options": {
    rows: 15

  <Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} />
), document.getElementById("app"));


Sometimes it's convenient to change a field's title. This is the purpose of the ui:title uiSchema directive:

const schema = {type: "string"};
const uiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": "password",
  "ui:title": "Your password"


Sometimes it's convenient to change the behavior of the submit button for the form. This is the purpose of the ui:submitButtonOptions uiSchema directive:

You can pass any other prop to the submit button if you want, by default, this library will set the following options / props mentioned below for all submit buttons:

norender option

You can set this property to true to remove the submit button completely from the form. Nice option, if the form is just for viewing purposes.

submitText option

You can use this option to change the text of the submit button. Set to "Submit" by default.

props section

You can pass any other prop to the submit button if you want, via this section.

disabled prop

You can use this option to disable the submit button.

className prop

You can use this option to specify a class name for the submit button.

const uiSchema = {
 "ui:submitButtonOptions": {
   "props": {
      "disabled": false,
      "className": "btn btn-info",
    "norender": false,
    "submitText": "Submit"

Theme Options

Semantic UI Chakra UI