
The uiSchema ui:widget property tells the form which UI widget should be used to render a field.


const schema = {
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    done: {
      type: "boolean"

const uiSchema =  {
  done: {
    "ui:widget": "radio" // could also be "select"

  <Form schema={schema}
        uiSchema={uiSchema} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

Here's a list of supported alternative widgets for different JSON Schema data types:

For boolean fields

  • radio: a radio button group with true and false as selectable values;
  • select: a select box with true and false as options;
  • by default, a checkbox is used

Note: To set the labels for a boolean field, instead of using true and false you can set enumNames in your schema. Note that enumNames belongs in your schema, not the uiSchema, and the order is always [true, false].

For string fields

  • textarea: a textarea element is used;
  • password: an input[type=password] element is used;
  • color: an input[type=color] element is used;
  • by default, a regular input[type=text] element is used.

String formats

The built-in string field also supports the JSON Schema format property, and will render an appropriate widget by default for the following string formats:

  • email: An input[type=email] element is used;
  • uri: An input[type=url] element is used;
  • data-url: By default, an input[type=file] element is used; in case the string is part of an array, multiple files will be handled automatically (see File widgets).
  • date: By default, an input[type=date] element is used;
  • date-time: By default, an input[type=datetime-local] element is used.

Please note that, even though they are standardized, datetime-local and date input elements are not yet supported by Firefox and IE. If you plan on targeting these platforms, two alternative widgets are available:

  • alt-datetime: Six select elements are used to select the year, the month, the day, the hour, the minute and the second;
  • alt-date: Three select elements are used to select the year, month and the day.

Firefox 57 - 66: Firefox partially supporting date and time input types, but not datetime-local, month or week

You can customize the list of years displayed in the year dropdown by providing a yearsRange property to ui:options in your uiSchema. Its also possible to remove the Now and Clear buttons with the hideNowButton and hideClearButton options.

const schema = {
  type: "string"

const uiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": "alt-datetime",
  "ui:options": {
    yearsRange: [1980, 2030],
    hideNowButton: true,
    hideClearButton: true,

  <Form schema={schema}
        uiSchema={uiSchema} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

For number and integer fields

  • updown: an input[type=number] updown selector;
  • range: an input[type=range] slider;
  • radio: a radio button group with enum values. This can only be used when enum values are specified for this input.
  • By default, a regular input[type=text] element is used.

Note: If JSON Schema's minimum, maximum and multipleOf values are defined, the min, max and step input attributes values will take those values.

Hidden widgets

It's possible to use a hidden widget for a field by setting its ui:widget uiSchema directive to hidden:

const schema = {
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    foo: {type: "boolean"}

const uiSchema = {
  foo: {"ui:widget": "hidden"}

  <Form schema={schema}
        uiSchema={uiSchema} />
), document.getElementById("app"));


  • Hiding widgets is only supported for boolean, string, number and integer schema types;
  • A hidden widget takes its value from the formData prop.

File widgets

This library supports a limited form of input[type=file] widgets, in the sense that it will propagate file contents to form data state as data-urls.

There are two ways to use file widgets.

  1. By declaring a string json schema type along a data-url format:
const schema = {
  type: "string",
  format: "data-url",

  <Form schema={schema} />
), document.getElementById("app"));
  1. By specifying a ui:widget field uiSchema directive as file:
const schema = {
  type: "string",

const uiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": "file",

Multiple files

Multiple files selectors are supported by defining an array of strings having data-url as a format:

const schema = {
  type: "array",
  items: {
    type: "string",
    format: "data-url",

Note that storing large dataURIs into form state might slow rendering.

File widget input ref

The included FileWidget exposes a reference to the <input type="file" /> element node as an inputRef component property.

This allows you to programmatically trigger the browser's file selector, which can be used in a custom file widget.

accept option

You can use the accept attribute to specify a filter for what file types the user can upload:

const schema = {
  type: "string",
  format: "data-url"

const uiSchema = {
  "ui:options": { accept: ".pdf" }